Women’s Ministry
“… A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
Women’s Bible Study
Meeting once a month on Thursday at 10:00am at the church, ladies from various ages meet together to study God’s Word and pray. Contact the Ministry leader for more information.
Women’s Craft
Meets every Monday at 9:30am at the church. A variety of crafts are taught, such as tapestry, crocheting, knitting, patchwork, tatting, or just bring along whatever project you are currently working on.
Our ladies enjoy time to learn, time to chat, a short look into God’s Word and morning tea.
Women’s Prayer and Coffee
Three times a year on Saturday, women of our church gather to pray, fellowship and encourage one another. The first part of this meeting focuses on prayer and a short devotional. Following this is a morning tea where some of our women share their faith-based journey and their walk with the Lord.
October Prayer and Coffee Recording
At previous Prayer and Coffee morning, we had Jane Gibb speak about Mary and Martha. Watch it now.
Golden Girls
The Golden Girls are single ladies over 50 who enjoy fellowship and food together on the second Friday of each month at 11:00am.