Our Missionaries
Emmanuel Baptist supports many missionaries who are serving across the globe, fulfilling the Great Commission to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all”. We support them through finances and prayer.
Ivan & Madelaine Alegria
The Alegria’s are evangelists working with Word of Life in Chile. They focus on training youth leaders in churches to be effective in discipling teens.
Horacio & Sara Brancatelli
Horacio and Sara are Argentinian nationals who serve with Biblical Ministries Worldwide alongside the De la Fuentes in a church plant.I
Keith Coleman
Keith is the AWANA missionary for Australia and the South Pacific region. His role is to promote the AWANA children’s ministry, to help churches in training leaders, and to provide supplies to the various AWANA clubs.
Changing Times Ministry
Changing Times Ministry (CTM) was established in 2002 by Pastor George Okoyo to minister to children, youths and adults who live in abject poverty in the residential slums of Kibera outside Nairobi, Kenya.
Jim & Lynda Dugan
Jim and Lynda have served with Word of Life Ministries Australia since 1986. Since 2005, the Word of Life emphasis has now been in training youth leaders, in high school outreach ministries and seminars and in Gym Jam evangelistic outreaches.
Tony & Debbie Evans
Tony and Debbie have served the Lord as missionaries to Japan since 1992, based in Kita Hiroshima on the northern island of Hokkaido. Their church, Suzuran Bible Baptist Church, is now well-established and growing.
Daniel & Priscilla Gollan
Daniel oversees a church of about 60 people in Rzhyshchiv, Ukraine. Priscilla ministers to the ladies and does Bible studies with them. Daniel is involved with a drug and alcohol rehab centre with about 30 men, and some women, most of whomhave had miraculous transformations through Christ.
Alex & Elizabeth Holowaty
Alex and Elizabeth Holowaty are independent missionaries to Argentina. Alex is especially involved in very active personal evangelistic work, tract ministry, and then in establishing local churches for others to pastor. Alex is also involved in follow-up and discipleship work. As opportunities present themselves, Alex shares the Gospel in both public and Catholic schools as well as prisons.
Clinton & Jill Lester
Clinton and Jill serve the Lord near Pretoria, South Africa. Their burden is especially for Zulu pastors and in providing them with solid training and sound material. Clinton often preaches, as well as mentors some of the pastors, and sends out doctrinally sound preaching on CDs, DVDs, and quality books. Clinton also runs weekly Bible studies for local farmers and their workers.
Steve & Sue Mayo
Steve and Sue serve as missionaries with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). After many years of church planting in the Sydney region, Steve now is the ABWE Regional Administrator for the Asia-Pacific region.
Garry & Faith McCay
Garry and Faith have served with CrossView (formally New Tribes Mission) in East New Britain, PNG among the Kol people. Their ministry has been to evangelise the people and plant a local church among this group scattered in the mountainous region.