Men’s Ministries
Equipping Men to Lead
Men’s Dinners
Meeting on the third Saturday of each month at 6:00pm the Men’s Dinner is a time to hang out with other men around a good meal, time of Bible Study and fellowship. Next meeting and dinner on 23rd March.
Men’s Shed
A place where men can get together and work on various woodworking projects in a friendly and safe environment. (Or just come and have a coffee or a chat). We are a member of the Australian Men’s Shed Association.
The Shed is located behind the main church building and accessible from our carpark (no separate entry).
Tuesday 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Thursday 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM – 2:00PM
For all enquiries, please email glenwoodmensshed@gmail.com
Men’s Conference
This is an opportunity for men to enjoy fellowship, food and fun, while being challenged by God’s Word. Check EVENTS Page for more details