What is a Christian?

“Although my memory is fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great saviour.”

John Newton, author of Amazing Grace

How Do You Become a Christian?


Believe what the Bible says about God


Accepting what the Bible says about God means that we believe He alone is the Sovereign creator and ruler of this world. He is also holy and just. God cannot commit or overlook sin and requires holiness of us as well.


Believe what the Bible says about People


Accepting what the Bible says about us means that we see ourselves the way God sees us. We are sinners by nature and by choice and openly rebel against God and deserve His righteous judgement for our sin. We are also unable to save ourselves by our own good deeds and are in need of a saviour.


Believe what the Bible says about Salvation


God loved us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sin. On the cross Jesus absorbed our punishment and satisfied God’s demands. When we turn from our sinful state to Jesus alone for salvation, God forgives us and restores us to fellowship with Himself. We are changed on the inside and given the desire to please God in all we do.

We invite you to talk to one of our pastoral staff about becoming a Christian and how best live a life with Jesus